Wednesday, July 8, 2015

#ISTE2015: My Sessions & Resources - WSQing your Way to FlipClass Success

~~See all my posts from ISTE with lots of links and resources shared by others here~~

I was able to share at four (plus a 7 minute TeachMeet) sessions over the four days in Philly. I've put a summary of each one and a link to any resources in a separate post. And, I included tweets and pictures that went out about the sessions, just for fun :)

See all my sessions:

Interactive Lecture: WSQing your Way to FlipClass Success (SlidesResources)
This is the third time I've done this session at a conference and I make some tweaks / improvements to it each time.  I had a hard time slot (4:15 on Monday afternoon), so I didn't have as many attendees as I hoped, but those that were there seemed to really get a lot out of it.  On a random note, I need to come up with a new title for the session so it doesn't start with "W" and show up last in the program ;).  If you have any ideas, let me know.

At "non-flipclass" conferences, I start this session by laying the foundation for a common understanding of what flipped learning is about.  I provide the definition of flipped learning from the Flipped Learning Network, address some top myths and misconceptions about the flipped classroom, and discuss the three shifts that occur in a flipped classroom, which I describe using the analogy of a Spoon (teacher-centered classroom to student-centered classroom), Fork (passive learners to active learners), and Knife (lower-order thinking to higher order thinking).  I also introduce participants to the acronym TWIRLS (thinking, writing, interacting, reading, listening, speaking) in order to consider who is most often demonstrating TWIRLS in their classroom (the teacher or the students), and to think about ways to design class activities that allow the students to be the ones demonstrating TWIRLS instead of the teacher.  Of course, flipping the class frees up more time for those activities that would be much more student-centered, active learning, higher-order thinking that could have students demonstrating TWIRLS.

After this "groundwork", I share a bit about my journey of what let me to developing the WSQ method.  I describe what the "W", "S", and "Q" stand for and share where it fits within my Flipped Learning Environment Flow Chart.  Under the "W" part, I also talk about what should be in a video and give video tips, as well as talk about my video making process.  I didn't like where I put those pieces this time - next time I'll describe all three parts of the WSQ briefly first, and then give a little more detail about the whole "watching" part.

The focus of the session is on the five purposes of the WSQ, which translate intofive things that every flipclass teachers needs to consider and address inorder to have a successful flipped classroom.  I am able to describe how the WSQ method answers these five questions, but try to emphasize that there is not one cookie-cutter way of doing things and you must answer them for yourselves, your teaching style, your students, your classroom, etc.

See resources and summaries from the rest of my sessions:
  ~~See all my posts from ISTE with lots of links and resources shared by others here~~

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